“I was quite anxious about my baby’s movements throughout my third pregnancy. My life was very busy with two young sons, and my work as a Chartered Surveyor meant that I was on the move and on my feet for much of the time. Often it would get to 8pm and I wouldn’t have had the chance to concentrate on a pattern of movement at all during the day. On more than one occasion I had to call my midwife and have my baby’s heartrate monitored. I tried to make a note of her movements but it isn’t easy to bring out a notebook or your phone when you are at work or in the middle of cooking for your children! I didn’t ever manage to establish a set pattern of movements and as a result, apart from when I was being reassured by a midwife, I didn’t ever feel completely confident during my pregnancy. If I had had the Maternity Movement Bracelet I think I would have been calmer and more aware of my daughter’s movements throughout my pregnancy. If I have a fourth child (a big if!) then I would love to use the bracelet. Pregnancy can be a time of anxiety and uncertainty, and anything that can help you to retain control during that time is well worth it.”